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We all need to get clear on what our SHINE is, and there are many reasons why.
As individuals, we’re all uniquely crafted and specially graced with particular gifts and distinct talents. Our unique combination of gifts and talents sets each of us apart from the rest of the world’s 7.5 billion inhabitants, pretty much the same way our fingerprints and our DNA differentiate us from everyone else.
Our primary assignment in life (yours and mine) is to discover where our Shine lies, and to embrace and express it fully. Identifying where our Shine lies is the one thing that truly sets us on the path to living at the highest level of our brilliance.
There are far too many out there living in prisons of their own making, enduring substandard lives, unaware of their gifts, talents and calling, never mind what to do about it. Far too many are stagnating in jobs and careers they hate. Sad but true, there is a fast-growing world-wide colony of unhappy and unfulfilled individuals, but YOU do not have to be one of them!
In this week’s Shine Capsule, I’m serving up a helpful little pill that will yield amazing results if consumed as prescribed and implemented as intended. So, if you’d like to Find Your Shine, Walk in Your Brilliance and Live a More Congruent and Fulfilled Life, then you should waste no time in ingesting today’s capsule.
I’m committed to your Shine-success and I look forward to supporting you on your journey.
Clara Rufai
The Shine Strategist
Don’t forget to share your thoughts about today’s capsule.