Every day the weather changes in some way. The weather is a fact of life. So is STRESS. We can not control the weather, but we can manage it by dressing appropriately to suit the weather conditions.
We also cannot control stress. Some people will advise you to ‘avoid stress’, but is this really possible when stress is an inevitable part of life?
Despite all of the information and advice out there regarding stress, why do so many of us still feel overwhelmed by it day after day? Perhaps because it is not about avoiding, but about coping, and coping well.
So how do you cope?
Do you have a strategy?
The past week was a stressful one for me, and I had to implement my coping strategy. I’m discussing this, and more, plus sharing my coping strategy!
CLICK to LISTEN, and share your own strategy for coping with stress.
Click the PLAY Button to Listen to This Week's SHINE CAPSULE...
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