Scars are UGLY, right?
But what if I told you Scars are useful, and they can be beautiful?
What if I told you there’s a magical relationship between Scars and Shine?
Well, depends on perspective now, doesn’t it! For sure it does.
A scar replaces normal skin after an INJURY – abnormal, therefore NEGATIVE, right?
However, scars are also the result of the biological process of HEALING and repair – POSITIVE isn’t it? When you consider the fact that the ability of the human body to repair itself is one of the amazing wonders of life, it is certainly positive!
I’ll tell you what else is positive: it is the fact that most people only have a Shine-Story because of their Scar-Story…
What’s my point you ask?
Well, if YOU have any scars, whether visible or invisible, you’ll definitely want to listen to today’s podcast. You’ll want to listen and perhaps even share it with someone…
Go on then, grab a drink and pop your Shine Capsule!
Have a great week ahead Shine-Star!
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