Today, I'm in the mood to PREACH!
The FASTEST WAY way to get from Point A to Point B or to achieve any goal/objective or the things we desire in life will always be to START.
Getting STARTed is and will always remain the most urgent, the most important, step we owe ourselves if we are intentional about achieving SUCCESS, whether this is in our business, in our career or our personal life. This is as true today as it has ever been, "for the hour has grown late and the fields are white unto the harvest. 🙏🏽
What is your Shine-Intention, or your Shine-Mandate?
Did you know you can take a SHINE-ASSESSMENT to get you STARTed on your Shine-Journey? Go ahead and LISTEN to my AUDIO-GUIDE to get started.
Did you also know that you don't have to work the field alone - you can and should find a helper, a fellow labourer who may have gone ahead of you and thus knows the road you want to travel? They're called a HUMAN HARNESS, they can hold your hand and help you get there faster than if you were to travel alone. Do you have or perhaps a coach, a mentor or a hand-holder? If so, do yourself a favour and GET ONE NOW! In the following episodes of my Shine Capsule podcast, HERE and HERE - I give pointers and guidance to help you identify and choose the right person to help you:
Not sure how?
Listen to my Shine Assessment audio-guide for help and direction.
If you're feeling handicapped, find your helper. If you're feeling dissatisfied with the poor results of your labour, consider making a change. Remember CHANGE is the only constant thing in life.
Like Gideon, when God entrusts each of us with a positive message, when He gives us marching orders, He does not leave us in uncertainty, doubt, or discouragement. He assures every one of us, just as He did Gideon, "You are the man/woman I am depending upon for this task. ''Go in this thy might''.
Don't settle.
Keep moving.
Set out at dawn (NOW).
Go in this thy might.
Cheering you on,
The Shine Strategist
Clara Rufai
Download The Audio Guide & Take
The Shine Assessment TODAY!