It is absolutely important to protect your MIND in times of adversity. Do not feel as if you are under any pressure to 'perform' your usual routine. If there's one thing that has always been highlighted and proved to humanity in times of great adversity, it is the fact that LIFE is the greatest gift. Life is precious yet fragile, and a sound mind and healthy body are the greatest resource we can have on life’s journey. Without a doubt, everything else is just trappings.
Adversity is tough. It can shake us to the core of our being, it can show us vulnerabilities we would rather not confront. As the world passes through its most challenging time in recent memory, a lot of people are currently finding it difficult to just carry on and do 'business as usual'.
If you need to ‘take time off’ to reflect and process things, that’s okay – do what’s best for you. In fact, I recommend it – retreat (into reflection) is not surrender. Reflection is good. The ultimate gain is that we are able to live the future more meaningfully, having worked out what truly matters and what doesn’t.
In order to overcome adversity, however, it may sometimes be necessary to re-appraise our belief systems. In this capsule, I’m sharing 3 simple concepts you might find useful – you can think of it as your PPE (personal protective equipment) in times of adversity.
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