Taking Root Downward In Order To Bear Fruit Upward - that's the first law of success according to me.
Like a pretty face, success often takes time to create. It takes hunkering down. It takes internalising. It takes going under for a season and being quiet for a bit, while you apply brush stroke after brush stroke, trying to create the right look and feel for YOU.
Taking the time to learn your trade and perfect your niche. Getting intimate with your own philosophies, imbibing a strong belief in your own abilities, owning your story, planning your work and working your plan.
In all this, no matter how long your 'season' may take, be sure to never berate yourself, instead focus on what it is you want to achieve and create.
When you're ready, the finished product will display your #ShineFactor in all its glory and all its wow!
So yes, Success does take time to create. Savour the preparation!